Saturday, October 27, 2018

Qualifying Quantum Consciousness

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

Ideas are constantly revised and altered in order to accommodate certain situations or circumstances. They create the notes that together orchestrate every symphonic impression brought forward and given substance to what we describe as our experiences.

Decisions based upon these experiences are typically made in the moment. While functioning within the influence of change, facts can appear objective and experiences felt by means of taking the role of an “observer”. Fact being each observation is actually a specific reflection discovered within a participatory network of awareness in which you/we become engaged. This quantum network emerges when triggered by the concepts of understanding, compassion and forgiveness which are virtues considered to be of high regard and benevolence. 

Note: it is always important to remember that all is energy in motion, vibration and frequencies that become "observable" under and within certain conditions, i.e. contexts. Compassion, forgiveness and understanding re-present but a handful of these frequencies that remain actively engaged at quantum levels of awareness/consciousness. To bring these vibratory states into fruition, i.e. materialization, is to truly experience them. When made manifest by means of a symbolic event, they begin to resonate at their most appropriate levels. The connective "tissue" in this regard creates a loving network to be shared by all vibrating at that frequency. In this manner heaven can truly be shared by all on Earth.

These impulses emerge by virtue of observation and/or perception, which in turn allows emotion to be felt (magnetized) and decisions/choices made in conjunction with our thoughts (electrified). These are the attributes of what has been described in the terms of Kama/Manas. Together these influences, when properly brought to bear within these higher frequencies, will embrace greater understanding, benevolence and the expansion of what we might view as a greater consciousness, i.e. your network/field of influence and connection. 

Desire is measured both internally/subjectively and collectively/objectively in what is observed physically, perceived mentally and felt emotionally.  A clear identification, description, consensus, inclusion and understanding of the constraints/challenges inherent in every design are encouraged for the purposes of the growth and expansion of consciousness. Considerations are required in order to bring into manifestation any idea that for all intents and purposes will be constantly changing. In other words, a designed expansion of consciousness by means of awareness requires a certain degree of maturity supported by a proportion of innocence being reflected in choices made and actions taken. 

Design for change. Change must be readily integrated into every plan/concept solely to become the possible re-source/s of every future idea. By means of  its very nature design is progressive, all encompassing and expansive. Design requires that a quantum position be taken in light of an ever-changing environment/context. Design is the fundamental process in the quest to discover the truth about Self. Design both fragments and unifies. Its presence appears within the contextual fields where patterns of energy in relative form, e.g. plasmic, holographic, etc. appear to emerge/appear before consciousness. It soon becomes apparent, when engaged within the context of time, that within every POV lies an attraction for unification made in reference to a "Source" felt to exist within the desires/heart of every creator. 

Harmony in the form/pattern of a symbolic amalgamation corresponding to a particular kind of network/consciousness will emerge in the process of "balancing" (Ouillum). The magnanimous strength supporting the concept of Love symbolizes this universal force of attraction in its constant struggle for unity and harmony. It is the ultimate force that creates and unites all symbolic correspondences brought forward into consciousness. Future adjustments made on “the fly” and “in the moment” likewise afford the opportunity to bring into realization designs never before contemplated or considered. 

Design is discovered through the process of "balancing." Time is a participatory element/module/contributor controlled by means of desire and intent. At that point (POV) meaning and purpose can be likewise considered, viewed and interpreted as dynamic singularities allowing for greater and lesser concepts of consciousness to make their own "quantum leap". 

Here is where technology and highly sophisticated systems of measurement and data collection can assist in current and future endeavors.  Greater dependency upon a more intuitive/intelligent/respectfully designed application of knowledge paves the road towards unification through understanding and wisdom. 

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Consciousness emerges in the forms of light, energy and information. Consciousness describes an infinite field/context of energy in motion (EIM) in search of balance and coherence, i.e. unity.

Unity describes a particular “type of energy” greater than any individual system that together with other identifiable expressions of cohesiveness, brings sustenance to even greater and more complex networks of EIM. Both are sources of energy, one more identifiable than another based upon the sensitivity of the observer.

Consciousness re-presents these subtle influences as the characteristics of a particular Source or field.  Every observation/perception is founded upon a symbolic impression/s, i.e. perturbations, emerging from within a perpetually changing  field of virtual energy, light and information. A large variety of these associations emerge and made 'present' throughout the universe; associations made apparent by means of the dynamics between two or more virtual agents. 

Quantum consciousness is virtual in context, emerging and making itself known and felt whenever observed.

Duality creates the symbolic framework of a universal Consciousness. 

Consciousness is the context, love is the link, design is what brings it all to awareness.

There is a connective clarity between all levels of consciousness brought forward by design. 

Kama Manas describes the dynamic of what design is ... veiled in every a purpose a meaning and in every meaning a purpose. Together they open many doors and bring to light a multitude of thoughts and 'feelings', i.e. intuitive responses of higher knowing and understanding.

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“If there is no distance between body and brain, if body and brain interact and form an organismic single unit, then feeling is not a perception of the body state in the conventional sense of the term. Here the duality of subject-object, of perceiver-perceived, breaks down. Relative to this part of the process, there is unity instead. Feeling is the mental aspect of that unity.”
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Ideas are based upon an innate impulse to expand upon consciousness by means of attaining a greater awareness. All ideas have a meaning and a purpose. Ideas bring energy, light and information to every situation, i.e. holographic impressions that together reflect upon the experiences and characteristics of the observer.

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By Max Planck Society 
"Despite the wide variation of emotion semantics, researchers found evidence of a universal structure constraining the emotion concepts that form colexification networks. Valencethe pleasantness or unpleasantness of an emotion—and activationthe physiological arousal associated with experiencing an emotion—are the strongest predictors of network membership. "The ability of valence and activation to predict structure in emotion semantics across language families suggests that these are common psycho-physiological dimensions shared by all humans," says senior author Kristen Lindquist." 

feelingan emotional state or reaction ( feelings) the emotional side of someone's character; emotional responses or tendencies to respond 
See note at emotion 2 a belief, esp. a vague or irrational one an opinion, typically one shared by several people 3 the capacity to experience the sense of touch the sensation of touching or being touched by a particular thing 4 ( feeling for) a sensitivity to or intuitive understanding of 

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Design facilitates interpretation. It is the method by which meaning and purpose can be coded, decoded and appropriately programmed for the situation at hand by means of symbol, metaphor and analogy.
analogy: a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification  a correspondence or partial similarity See note at likeness .a thing that is comparable to something else in significant respects Logic a process of arguing from similarity in known respects to similarity in other respects.Linguistics a process by which new words and inflections are created on the basis of regularities in the form of existing ones.Biology the resemblance of function between organs that have a different evolutionary origin.

All things change. Reason assumes challenging circumstances act as precursors to every idea and that situation might likewise be an appropriate state of affairs upon which to build a reasonable argument, i.e. a priori *.
a priori: relating to or denoting reasoning or knowledge that proceeds from theoretical deduction rather than from observation or experience : a priori assumptions about human nature. adverb in a way based on theoretical deduction rather than empirical observation.

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by Joshua Moritz
by Margaret Wertheim

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This POV is founded upon an order and sequence of events we claim to 'objectively' observe in the universe whether scientifically based or not. At some juncture we instinctively know that some type of order had, in some way, emerged from a tumultuous/chaotic situation. A certain “state” had to be re-presented and realized in some manner for humanity to be engaged in the experience of  space/time experience. In other words, there appears to be a sequence of event in support of every form of energy. Might the moment of importance be merely an instant in a series of inconsequential events?

Being quantum in character implies that consciousness is the by-product of a non-linear series of events and qualifications, characterized by humanity, into the forms of thoughts and emotions. Quantum impressions imply just the opposite thereby opening the door to new ideas based upon associations never before considered or implicated.

At this point in human evolution the quantum universe is the smallest and somewhat “measurable” approach towards describing, defining and understanding consciousness. How small into material detail must we go before we approach the conclusion that consciousness cannot be fully measured nor is it actually meant to be? 

Consciousness may be thought of and/or felt. It’s the very stuff we use to measure the immeasurable and imaginatively design with, all in pursuit of accommodating a greater number of perspectives (states of being) based upon a changing, expanding and creative awareness.

The future foundation for creative action will be discovered within the awareness of a quantum network purposely designed to support every non-conceivable situation. There will be fewer substantial guidelines except for those found to be most appropriate in the moment. The creative process will remain a mystery prodded onward by a heartfelt and benevolent planet in search of unity.

To design in the future demands an intuitively sensitive time traveler willing to encounter a diverse array of options and timelines never before encountered. Efforts will be conducive to momentarily resolving a certain situation or circumstance. Patterns of awareness will appear as fractal agents reflecting upon a common desire to bring unity to Consciousness in the forms of light, energy and information.

Past patterns worked within the parameters of a particular space and time, i.e. 3D space/time. Given a constantly changing context, dimensions will naturally overlap and patterns will appear disfigured and/or distorted by virtue of a past POV. The cycle of time will be broken and therefore become an element/module/component which can be added or subtracted from the equation of any life form

We have been conditioned into believing that all things have a beginning and an end. This is a matter of perspective… a materialistic POV snared within the material trappings of 3D space/time. It describes a slow meandering process where design becomes misconstrued, distorted, refracted, disfigured and malformed … a darkness that tends to emphasize the animalistic and tribal rather than the angelic. Every moment along the way represents a point of energy (POV) in motion spiraling about a source/design of its own making.

Every experience is but a fractal made apparent in a spiraling world.

The idea that all things have a beginning and an end is merely an interpretation of what the concept of “reality” appears within the confines of three-dimensional space/time. This blueprint has been imprinted into our consciousness. It is a format by which to observe one’s self. It is a referential creation purposely made in context for purposes of observation. The references made in tangent with these observations reveal the meanings that can likewise be found within them; meanings instilled by their creator/source which is you. You are a re-source, a purposeful creator located within and connected with a greater “network”. We are all designers in search of meaning, meanings in support of the multitude of experiences we observe as reality.

In a three-dimensional world we learn to discover ourselves by virtue of certain forms of symbolic reflection, i.e. personal observations, events, experiences and conditions … whereas from a quantum re-presentation/perspective these same events appear more collective, resourceful, multidimensional, referential, greater in magnitude, context and results.

In design we interpret every input and every output symbolically and metaphorically. We view every situation individually and collectively. In essence, design implies that a quantum approach is the primary methodology from which to perceive and view our world. Design thinking includes every dimension that together creates the field that binds every observation into its own ever-changing context.  

To holistically describe the world demands it be viewed and interpreted quanta-tatively.

Designs are meant to resonate between the needs and desires of their creator/s.

Choices made from within and beyond every chaotic field of change can in certain “instances” fall short of fruition and appear to be swayed from its initial intent. Such events allow for anomalies to occur.

Concepts of time change as the spatial networks become more complex and interwoven. Senses (inputs) must adapt from within a quantum-based context where formations (subsystems) of energy emerge and can, in reference to time, fade away quickly. Decisions appear to evolve instantaneously while developing, i.e. evolving, until the next alteration is presented before one’s POV.  
Note in reference to time. Time allows for choice. Time may or may not become an integral part in future design references/calibrations/designs. Time can take a position of influence ... if it is chosen by any resourceful creator to do so. Quantum approaches in reference to time and towards the design function are entirely optional. Time need not be a contributor to any solution. Time is an inhibitor to be found in 3D space/time ... it is not a requirement when corresponding within other dimensional conditions. 

The human condition requires assistance. This remains mandatory for adaptation and survival. The scientific method is just one discipline amongst others required to retain systemic balance. The network must adapt rapidly as to accommodate projected desires/changes/observations housing the multitude of conceptual fabrics of “reality”. Technology needs to fulfill the demands of perpetual change by making the transition from the intangible to the tangible by virtue of “sourcing” light into its most appropriate shapes and forms. Reward demands balance and harmony between spheres and the will to bring desire/love into collective awareness.

Might this be considered a “law” of the universe or are choices only encountered when observing the characteristics and qualities of being human? The fact of the matter is other states/fabrics/fields of being are likely to express similar qualities of being “human.” Are these “states of being” comparable to being human? Might they be considered part of a different journey/design? Are these viable forms of energy in which we share a similar purpose under the guise of a different meaning? Example: atoms, molecules, tissue, organs, harmonics, environment, etc. that together give relevance to a human "form" of consciousness.

In any event, choices are made to determine just where, when, how, who and why a “source” exists. These questions help unveil a basic premise upon which the concept of design is based. These questions bring to bear the realization that we ourselves are the creators of our own concepts/ideas of what might constitute a common Source. We are the one’s that attempt to describe this seemingly unknowable Source. We purposely nourish it, embellish it, make sacrifices towards it, pray to it, worship it, engage its existence into as many forms as we can to perpetuate its power, believe it and to generally render it Omnipotent. This is us and we are it.

First and foremost is the issuance of a common source as being instrumental in substantiating the concept of Unity by establishing the “center” or central point (POV) upon which all forms of consciousness can r-evolve, expand and contract, ebb and flow.

Contrasts, differences and separations between networks, dimensions and observation are based upon contextual deviations and alterations between an observer’s POV, i.e. change. This elaborate proposal is based upon the complex nature innate in every network from which an idea (form of energy) may become connected for reasons of manifestation and/or realization. Every pattern of energy (form) is founded upon a specific interpretation and understanding of reality.

So when we begin our journey of discovery we must realize that we are designing a virtual world with multidimensional characteristics and multidimensional consequences, consequences that center about our own point of view (field). We constitute a point, a fractal, and a “source” about which our own virtual and dimensional world is centered. We are a pixelated contingency of plasmic substance oscillating within and networking about a context we’ve collectively agreed to as being real.

In time it soon becomes apparent that one POV is no greater or less valued than another, along with the understanding that there are fields of greater and lesser magnitude from which to ebb, flow and experience. The drive to know is challenged by the presence of a virtual unknown of our own creation. Correspondences between  ideas, i.e. greater networks, are spawned, generated and linked to even greater re-sources.

It is upon such a principle that every design contained and substantiated within your view of the world stems from a number of resources of your own creation. You are an active participant in the creation of a “Source”you recognize and identify as re-presenting, i.e. symbolizing, your own point of view. You are a fractal reflection of this same Source. You make available to this central focus all the energy, light and information necessary to support, give relative structure and substantiate its presence in relative space/time. You bestow upon this Source a meaning and a purpose in all that you yourself create.

Your actions expand/contract and are measured by means of the magnitude, impression and impact of your focus and intensity. These impressions appear in the form of a quantum leap where connections between agents remain untouchable within the formative parameters of 3D space/time and the holographic ethers seemingly positioned within the vestiges of the mind. 
quan·tum jump / quantum leap: 1Physics an abrupt transition of an electron, atom, or molecule from one quantum state to another, with the absorption or emission of a quantum. 2.a huge, often sudden, increase or change in something."the quantum jump in Jamie's grades this semester are extremely encouraging"

In essence we are the creators of our own world/s. You are the designer of your own idea of reality based upon your perspective and place in a unified network of agents. Together these agents substantiate the concept of a supreme source or hydrogenous being-ness existing at an unimaginable magnitude beyond our POV. Intuitively we know such a synthetic composition of agents exists by means of the patterns of energy**, i.e. designs, we fInd throughout the universe. We design intuitively along with other “fractal re-sources.” We subjectively and collectively design a variety of energy formations by means of virtual, plasmic, holographic and material origin. These patterns re-present a spectrum of impressions appearing to be readily apparent from a human POV.

"... feel the dizziness of things unsaid."
Terence McKenna

Light, energy and information are attributes of a Creative singularity made apparent by means of design, a virtual field of potential and probability made self-evident by means of symbols and metaphor.

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To be design conscious you must be more than an observer.

Edited: 11.08.2018, 11.13.2018, 12.10.2018, 12.25.2018, 02.22.2019, O7.17.2019, 10.28.2019, 02.21.2020, 04.05.2020, 07.08.2020, 02.12.2021, 07.28.2021, 03.15.2022, 03.06.2023, 05.15.2023, 06.19.2023, 11.21.2023, 02.03.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2018 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage prohibited. You are also invited to visit and


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